20i is a 2022 Gold Level Sponsor

WordPress Accessibility Day Gold Sponsor 20i. WordPress hosting you'll love. Everything you need to build and manage super-fast Wordpress sites without any fuss. Hoin 750,000+ agencies, freelancers, businesses, and side hustlers for unmatched speed and reliability.

We offer our sincere thanks to 20i for becoming a Gold Level Sponsor for this year’s WordPress Accessibility Day!

Just what is 20i, you might ask…

20i is a best-in-class WordPress Hosting company that offers high-performance and easily managed hosting for WordPress professionals.

Why Partner with 20i for Hosting

Website acceleration, free CDN, 24×7 support, and one-click staging are among the many top-tier features of 20i Hosting. 20i is a great partner if you or your agency is considering reselling hosting – not only because of the features on the platform and their great support team but also because they have a wealth of information on how to become a reseller of hosting to get you started down that path.

We especially appreciated this blog post on how to build a hosting brand, which includes great information on building accessibility into your brand, which starts with ensuring your brand includes colors with appropriate contrast for people with low-vision or color blindness.

Join 750,000+ agencies, freelancers, businesses, and side hustlers hosting at 20i for unmatched speed and reliability.

Special Offer for WordPress Accessibility Day Attendees

As a unique opportunity for 5 lucky attendees of WP Accessibility Day, 20i is offering a chance to win a $100 WordPress Hosting credit. Want to win? Fill out the form on their sponsor page to enter.

For everyone attending WP Accessibility Day, 20i is also giving out an exclusive deal for 50% off Personal WordPress Hosting! Check out this deal in your digital swag bag or on 20i’s sponsor page for more information.