Call for Speakers is now open!

Share your #a11y Knowledge. Apply to speak at WordPress Accessibility Day, a 24-hour virtual conference on website accessibility and WordPress held November 2-3. Speaker applications open until August 8th.

Hello, WP Accessibility Day fans,

Our 2022 call for speakers is officially open!

Submit your talk now!

WP Accessibility Day 2022 is a free, 24-hour online event, scheduled to start at 15:00 UTC (11:00 US Eastern, 8:00 US Pacific) on Wednesday, November 2nd.

If you have an idea for a talk to share your knowledge and experiences about the intersection of WordPress and accessibility, we’d love to hear it! We’re making plans for a mixture of full-length talks, lightning talks, and panels.

We plan to keep the call for speakers open through August 8th, 2022, so don’t wait to submit an idea.

Learn more about speaking at WP Accessibility Day and about the event.

All speakers for WP Accessibility Day 2022 will be paid a modest honorarium.