Big thanks to NerdPress for becoming a silver-level sponsor for WP Accessibility day!
As a leading WordPress support and maintenance provider, NerdPress knows just how important website accessibility is, and the challenges to meeting accessibility standards on WordPress. They are also firm believers in diversity, equity, and inclusion and believe that uniqueness is an asset.
NerdPress is a source of authority for their clients on best practices for security, speed, and of course, accessibility. Their Alt Text Tools plugin provides a lightweight resource for managing all of the image alt texts on your WordPress website. It provides an easy way to download a CSV file that lists all of your images used in your content — and their corresponding alt attribute. You can then open the file with your favorite spreadsheet program and use it to identify images that are missing alt text, or that need improvements to the alt text. The file also includes links to edit the post in which the images appear, so you can quickly and easily edit the attribute. Download Alt Text Tools from the WP plugin repository today.
Want to learn more? Read more about NerdPress on our sponsor page, or visit their website.